Joyce backs Speaker Bishop
Deputy Nationals Leader Barnaby Joyce says Bronwyn Bishop should be allowed to fix up any mistakes over her travel entitlements and stay on as Speaker.
As more claims emerge of Mrs Bishop’s extravagant taxpayer-funded travel, Mr Joyce says he won’t be “throwing stones” at her.
• Labour fights to see Bishop tipped from chair
• Speaker Bronwyn Bishop ‘very, very sorry’
• ‘Catching the train’: Turnbull’s dig at Bishop
“If she has made a mistake, and everyone makes mistakes … I think it should be within our capacity to say fix up the mistakes and get on with the job,” he told Sky News on Sunday.
Greens senator Peter Whish-Wilson believes Mrs Bishop shouldn’t just resign as Speaker, but should retire from parliament .
“I think a lot of Australians are wondering why perhaps someone like Bronwyn Bishop who has been in politics for a long time has had a lot to offer, is not looking at life beyond politics,” the senator told ABC television.
Palmer United Party leader Clive Palmer quoted Billy Joel saying it’s a “matter of trust”.
“If she can’t run her entitlements, how can Abbott run the country, that’s what people say,” Mr Palmer told ABC TV on Sunday.
Mr Palmer said the Speaker should be independent.
“Nearly 400 people have been thrown out on one side of politics which indicates it’s not independent,” he said.
He said deputy Speaker and Nationals MP Bruce Scott is a capable is person and could be a good replacement.