Cancer rate doubles in 32 years
The rate of cancer cases in Australia has more than doubled since 1982 because of Australia’s growing and ageing population, a new government report reveals.
Over the past 30 years there has been a significant increase in rates of prostate cancer, bowel cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Cancer in Australia 2014 report shows.
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The number of new cancer cases rose from 47,417 to 123,920 between 1982 and 2014.
Thankfully, the rate of cancer survival has also increased, with five-year survival from cancer rising from 46 per cent in 1986 to 67 per cent in 2011.
Survival rates have only improved in some cancers, with pancreatic cancer survival still a low six per cent.
Survival in prostate cancer and kidney cancer cases greatly improved, but survival rates in lung cancer cases only marginally improved and remained low.
Breast cancer was the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, while prostate cancer was the most common cancer amongst males.
Skin melanoma cases were highest in Queensland, while breast cancer diagnoses in women were highest in the Australian Capital Territory.