Budget protests spark a social media storm
Thousands of people have attended rallies across Australia to protest the Abbott Government’s first budget.
Large ‘Bust the Budget’ protests were held in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth and Darwin.
Smaller rallies took place in regional areas including Lismore in New South Wales, and Wodonga in Victoria.
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Union groups including the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) marched at the protests.
ACTU secretary Dave Oliver says a wide range of people, including families, students, retirees and pensioners, were marching to send a strong message to the Government.
“This budget is going to hit the most vulnerable in our society,” he said.
“What this budget is doing is sending our country down the same path to where the United States is today … they have a country that is divided by a nation of haves and have-nots.”
Twitter reaction
Budget came out in May… still marching, protesting in July. Will be until Defiant December…and beyond. #bustthebudget
— Wendy Harmer (@wendy_harmer) July 6, 2014
#Abbott This Is What A Real #Mandate Looks Like! Get Use To It We Are Not Going Away! #BustTheBudget #Auspol pic.twitter.com/pvEIm9gpaJ — William Jones (@william7424) July 6, 2014
PHOTO: Thousands converge for Bust the Budget rally. GALLERY – http://t.co/OaP7aoyPEa #bustthebudget pic.twitter.com/gwEFwSYqnr
— The Age Photography (@theage_photo) July 6, 2014
Here’s #bustthebudget protest crowd as it reached state parliament pic.twitter.com/ybTOWbFNu6 — mat_dunckley (@mat_dunckley) July 6, 2014
Normal folk only protest over real issues. Lefties get crowd-shouty at drop of hat. It’s pack rant that lures ’em. #bustthebudget
— Matt Hayden (@matthewhayden) July 6, 2014
ten thousands young and old take to the streets – #bustthebudget in Melbourne! @vanbadham @VicUnions @ADDventurous pic.twitter.com/Cy4e8twHms
— Sally Newell (@ActOnClimate) July 6, 2014
Media only counting Greens,Lefties & Unions at #bustthebudget across Aust. Must have thought 10x’000’s of ordinary ppl were onlookers
— Lenny Seigal (@AuxiliaryEgo) July 6, 2014
“@MikeKellyofEM: Abbott trailing wreckage and broken promises #bustthebudget pic.twitter.com/kRV0NsRMjF” Creative Canberra Abbott puppet!
— Roseanne’s Graffiti (@roseannebyrne) July 6, 2014
#bustthebudget #cbr pic.twitter.com/PZKHsMtoFy — Richard Tuffin (@richardtuffin) July 6, 2014
#ourcommunitycounts Tens of thousands marched in Melbourne to #bustthebudget for JUSTICE, DECENCY& INCLUSIVE society! pic.twitter.com/OPqm4rb2IO
— Sally Newell (@ActOnClimate) July 6, 2014
Peppa Pig really brought it today. Don’t send her to the ABBOTToir. #bustthebudget #ourcommunitycounts pic.twitter.com/ll6BwacbSs
— Luke Hilakari (@lhilakari) July 6, 2014