Labor attacks pension change rumours

Federal Labor says it will hold the Abbott government to its election promise to make no changes to the age pension.
As the coalition prepares to deliver its May budget, Treasurer Joe Hockey has signalled the pension age could be lifted to 70 in the search for savings.
“It may be the case that my generation has to work for an extra three years,” Mr Hockey said yesterday.
Labor is using his comments as ammunition to accuse Prime Minister Tony Abbott of breaking his election vows to steer clear of changing the age pension and trimming the budgets of the ABC and multicultural broadcaster SBS.
Opposition families spokeswoman Jenny Macklin says the coalition is preparing to break its promise to the public, in particular more than two million age pensioners.
“We intend to hold him to that promise,” she told ABC radio on Monday.
She said making people work for longer will hurt the most vulnerable in society, and while many older Australians wanted to work for longer, they faced age discrimination in the workforce.
Ms Macklin also said the government should scrap its paid parental leave scheme.