Zoo to spare lions after attack on keeper

The two male lions won't be put down after the attack. Photo: ABC
Shoalhaven Zoo on the NSW South Coast says two lions that attacked one of its zookeepers will not be euthanised.
The attack on May 29 left Jennifer Brown fighting for her life with head and neck injuries.
The 35-year-old was cleaning the lion enclosure when the attack occurred.
Zoo owner Nicholas Schilko has released a statement clarifying the animals’ future.
“The lions involved in the incident will not be euthanised, and the care and welfare of all the zoo’s animals remained a top priority.”

Paramedics at Shoalhaven Zoo after last Friday’s lion attack.
He said Ms Brown was making good progress.
“We’re staying in constant touch with our keeper Jen Brown and her family, and are enormously relieved to report that she is recovering from lacerations that she received when visiting the lions’ den.”
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