Glenn Lazarus sends complaints to AEC
Outgoing senator Glenn Lazarus is demanding answers from the Australian Electoral Commission about alleged voting issues and questionable practices during the federal election.
Mr Lazarus has posted on his Facebook page his four-page letter of complaint to the AEC outlining the issues and his questions.
His demands include wanting to know how many people were marked off the roll without voting, how many polling booths ran out of ballot papers and whether the AEC delivered ballot papers to hospitals and aged care facilities.
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Mr Lazarus has told AAP previously that he’s been inundated with complaints about the July 2 election in which he is expected to lose his upper house seat.
He even posted a “Voting Issues Form” on his Facebook page last week for people to detail their issues.
Mr Lazarus’ biggest gripe was voters being marked off the roll and sent home without voting because of a ballot paper shortage, and how many booths ran out of ballot papers and the “length of time” it took to restock.
He asked if the number of “absent voters” and informal votes was higher this election compared to previous years; how many voters were given incorrect ballot papers; and were voters given conflicting advice on how to vote above and below the line in the Senate.
He has called on the AEC for an “urgent response” and for all of his 22 issues, plus sub-clauses, to be investigated.
Even though the senate members have not been officially declared, Mr Lazarus concedes he will not be returning.
He’s also the second defeated candidate to lodge an official complaint with the AEC.
Independent candidate Rob Oakeshott, who failed to be re-elected in the seat of Cowper, had a gripe that voters were unable to lodge absentee votes in the neighbouring seat of Lyne.
According to News Corp Australia, Mr Oakeshott claimed he had received complaints there was a shortage of absentee ballot papers in Lyne.