
We go inside the diary of a word nerd

After a suitcase of documents and my laptop, the possession I would save third in a fire is a battered black book.

It lives at the bottom of an old shoe box in my cupboard. Inside is a gallimaufry of words just the way I like them — long, old and tasty.

They include archaic treasures gathered over the years from Charles Dickens, CS Lewis and other authors, as well as many gleaned from websites like

‘Vellichor’ and other wonderful English words
Forty strange facts about the English language
Could the five cent coin be on its last legs

Happily, I concede we cannot halt the march of language. I watch with interest as ’emoji’, ‘selfie’ and ‘belfie’ pervade modern English, and would never frown at the use of a smiley face.

But I wouldn’t rescue a page full of hashtags from a slight breeze.

On Thursday, the Oxford University Press declared ‘hashtag’ to be the children’s word of the year, based on thousands of short stories submitted to a BBC competition.

“Children have extended its use from a simple prefix or as a search term for Twitter to an editorial device to add drama or comment,” Oxford University Press spokesman Vineeta Gupta said in a statement.

I’m okay with that. I swear. Honestly. #notevensad

But forgive me if every now and then I dig out my little back word journal, bury my weary head inside and reminisce.

Here are some of my favourites:

AbsquatulateTo leave abruptly.
AbstemiousPracticing moderation.
AgonA conflict, especially between a protagonist and antagonist in a work of literature.
AlgedonicBoth pleasurable and painful.
CachinnatorA person who laughs too often or too loudly.
CongeriesA jumbled collection.
ConsenescenceGrowing old.
ContretempsAn accident
EidetikerA person with a photographic memory.
EpizeuxisRepeating a word or phrase for emphasis (‘Nope, nope, nope’).
FarragoA confused mix.
FroideurAntipathy or hostility.
GallimaufryA confused medley of things.
InsoucianceA casual lack of concern.
InterregnumA pause.
InvidiousLikely to arouse resentment.
KenosisTo completely humble oneself (literally, renounce divinity).
LacunaA gap.
MythomaniacA compulsive liar.
PellucidEasy to understand.
PerambulateTo walk leisurely for fun.
PersiflageLight and slightly contemptuous mockery or banter.
Queeg-thingSignaller of strange behaviour.
TergiversateTo change one’s loyalties or beliefs.
TruculentQuick to argue.
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