
US senate ‘failed American people’: Obama

The White House has accused US senators of a “shameful display of cowardice” and said they had failed the American people by not advancing any gun control measures after the nation’s largest mass shooting in Florida last week.

“Gun violence requires more than moments of silence,” President Barack Obama said on Twitter on Tuesday. “It requires action. In failing that test, the Senate failed the American people.”

Earlier, White House spokesman Josh Earnest appeared on morning television news shows excoriating the US Senate for rejecting on Monday four gun bills aimed at keeping firearms away from people with suspected ties to militants.

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“What we saw last night on the floor of the United States Senate was a shameful display of cowardice,” Earnest said on MSNBC.

After Monday’s votes, the Senate turned away from gun control, at least temporarily, to debate a different tactic for battling domestic attacks that could be inspired by Islamic State and other foreign militant groups.

Senators were aiming to vote by Wednesday on legislation by Senator John McCain of Arizona expanding the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s ability to conduct secret surveillance in counterterrorism investigations.

“This week we’ll have the opportunity to strengthen our ability to combat lone wolf terrorists and connect the dots so we are better able to prevent terrorist attacks in the United States” such as the Orlando massacre, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said.

The Orlando gunman, Omar Mateen, had pledged allegiance to Islamic State during the June 12 rampage in which he killed 49 people and wounded 53 at a gay nightclub before being fatally shot by police.

Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine was trying to keep gun control attempts alive. She was expected on Tuesday to introduce a measure that would curb weapons sales to people on a narrow terrorism watch list.

Democrats’ efforts to pass a broader prohibition failed on Monday.

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