
EgyptAir wreckage found, authorities confirm

Wreckage of the EgyptAir flight that went down over the Mediterranean last month has been found, the BBC is reporting. 

A statement by authorities was released saying “several main locations of the wreckage” had been identified.

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Authorities added they had obtained images of the wreckage located between the Greek island of Crete and the Egyptian coast.

The next step will be drawing a map showing the wreckage location, they said. The search vessel is equipped with sonar and other equipment capable of detecting objects at depths of up to 1830 metres.

There were 66 people on board the Airbus A320 when it crashed on May 19 while flying from Paris to Cairo, and it disappeared from Greek and Egyptian radar screens. It appeared the plane had not sent a distress call.

The Egyptian investigation team said that investigators on a search vessel in the area would now draw up a map of the wreckage distribution spots.

The cause of the crash remains uncertain.

Earlier this month, search teams said signals from one of the “black box” flight recorders had been detected.

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