George Bush reacts to Kanye West’s presidential bid

We can add George Bush to the list of people who take Kanye West less seriously than Kanye West.
When asked of the rapper-cum-fashion designer’s recently-announced 2020 presidential bid, Bush responded simply by laughing.
Exiting a building in Washington, D.C this week, Bush was swarmed by supporters wanting his autograph, and the ex-president obliged.
• White House responds to West’s bid
• Obama’s advice to Kanye West
• Kanye’s presidential campaign begins
A nearby TMZ camera crew took the opportunity to ask Bush just one question: “Your thoughts on Kanye West being president one day?”
At first Bush either didn’t hear or didn’t understand the question, but after being asked again, he simply answered with a frank cackle not unlike character Edna Krabappel’s from The Simpsons – as seen on the right.
West announced his presidential aspirations at this year’s Grammy Awards, to much fanfare and confusion.
If the rapper is serious about running, he can add political candidate to his growing CV, which already includes musician, producer and fashion designer.