
Top Stories: Thursday, October 22, 2015

stormWeather ‘double whammy’ threatens fire, heat and water restrictions

Meteorologists issue warnings about a brutal summer as two rare climate events raise temperatures and dry up the skies Read more

suitcasegirlSuitcase murder girl named as the daughter of Belanglo victim

Their bodies were found 1000km and five years apart, leaving police ‘baffled’ and ‘shocked’ after the grisly discovery Read more

aldipic2Aldi redesigns stores to lure cashed-up customers from rivals

Popular no-frills supermarket chain is getting a classy makeover in a bid to attract more customers from Coles and Woolworths Read more

houseonhorizonThe $500k question – buy a house now or wait for prices to slide?

With fears of a housing market slump rising, first home buyers should consider waiting a year and saving tens of thousands of dollars Read more

google1Blame the internet. Our minds are forgetting how to remember

Digital technology is teaching our brains to discard information online, but researchers have found a way to combat it Read more

bradleycooperBradley Cooper tries to be Gordon Ramsay but flames out

The Hollywood star’s latest movie is an overcooked kitchen drama that could have been great, but fails to rise Read more

wallabies2The lucky escape that could spur the Wallabies to glory

Thrashing opponents might be great for World Cup confidence but history shows that gritty victories are crucial Read more

jeepCar of the week: easy, fun, but the hefty price is not an optional extra

The cartoonish and compact Jeep Renegade SUV has plenty of flair, eccentricity and an adventurous attitude Read more

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