
Police and protesters out in force



Rival protests across Australia have wrapped up, with minimal reports of violent clashes between anti-Muslim and anti-racism demonstrators.

While scuffles and verbal stoushes were reported at some of Sunday’s rallies around the country, the altercations paled in contrast to Saturday’s protests in Melbourne, where police used capsicum spray to subdue the crowds.

In Sydney, five people were arrested, with police charging one 40-year-old woman with assaulting police.

Protesters clash in Melbourne
Groups clash at anti-racism rally
Cory Bernardi defends anti-Islam rallies

A 57-year-old man was issued a notice to attend court over offensive behaviour, while a 35-year-old man and two 19-year-old men were arrested for breaching the peace and released without charge.

Paramedics treated two people at the rally, including a 35-year-old man who suffered minor head injuries and was taken to St Vincent’s Hospital in a stable condition.

A 48-year-old man was treated for a minor cut to his face at the scene.

Police are investigating both incidents.

NSW Premier Mike Baird slammed violent protesters.

“All of us as Australians have a right to protest, indeed many men and women have fought for this country’s opportunity to do that – the freedom of protest, the freedom of speech,” he said.

“But the violence that has come forward does not do honour to that from my perspective.”

Federal MP attends Queensland rally


A Reclaim Australia protester is escorted away from the rally in Perth. Photo: AAP

In Mackay, Federal Coalition MP George Christensen addressed a Reclaim Australia rally, telling the crowd it would be naive to think Australia was not at war with extreme Islam.

“Our voice says we will not surrender, we will not sit idly by and watch the Australian culture and the Australian lifestyle that we love, and that is envied around the world … we are not going to see that surrendered and handed over to those who hate us for who we are and what we stand for,” he said.

The member for Dawson in North Queensland added it was “sad” to see neo-Nazis attend rallies in Sydney and Melbourne.

Former federal MP Pauline Hanson also made an appearance in Rockhampton.

Ms Hanson told the 200-strong crowd she was “against the spread of Islam” and that Australia was changing and that she did not like it.

“We have other different religions that have never been a problem in Australia,” she said.

“I’m not targeting Muslims – I’m targeting the ideology, what Islam stands for.”

Reclaim Australia rally in Sydney, July 19

Five people were arrested at the Reclaim Australia rallies in Sydney. Photo: ABC

Protesters clash in nation’s capitals

Protests in other capital cities, including Brisbane, Perth, Hobart and Canberra, passed without any major incidents.

Hundreds of people gathered in Perth’s CBD, with police separating the groups at Solidarity Park.

Anti-racist protesters chanted “Muslims are welcome, racists are not”, while Reclaim Australia demonstrators boasted a much smaller crowd, with many holding the Australian flag.


A Reclaim Australia protester throws a punch at anti-racism activist after the rally in Canberra. Photo: ABC

“We’re not going there with any intention of being violent in any way, we are actually there to challenge the violence, the ideological violence of the people in Reclaim Australia,” Rally Against Racism organiser Miranda Wood said.

“Hate speech is not welcome and we will be there to challenge it.”

In Canberra, police blocked roads near Parliament House as anti-racism and anti-Muslim protestors clashed.

Reclaim Australia protesters marched to Parliament House, however about 100 anti-racism protesters ambushed them in the car park where they assembling.

Police kept Reclaim Australia advocates separate from the anti-racism group, one anti-Muslim protester dealt a blow to an anti-racism demonstrator after the rally had ended.

About 100 anti-racism demonstrators converged on Brisbane’s CBD, calling for support for Muslims and Indigenous Australians compared to about 250 anti-Islam protesters.

Hundreds of police surrounded the two rallies, escorting away one Reclaim Australia protester who tried to break the police line.

In Hobart, about 50 people, including several children, gathered at Franklin Square to join the Reclaim Australia march organised by the United Patriots Front.

They were outnumbered from the outset by a group of about anti-racist protesters, which swelled in size to a group of about 200.


Protests in Perth have remained peaceful. Photo: ABC

The Reclaim Australia supporters marched through Elizabeth Mall, singing Waltzing Matilda and the national anthem.

As they reached Hobart Fountain, anti-racist protesters were waiting, singing the theme song from television show Neighbours.

There was no violence and no arrests were made.

On Saturday, violent clashes in Melbourne saw hundreds of police called in and officers used capsicum spray to subdue the crowds.

Bottles were thrown and protesters from both sides were punched and kicked as they clashed.

In Adelaide there were tense scenes as Reclaim Australia and anti-racism demonstrators converged at Parliament House.

Police said they had worked with rally organisers to ensure the protests were conducted safely but that officers would respond swiftly to violent or disruptive behaviour.

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