
Father faces murder accused

The father of slain schoolgirl Masa Vukotic has stared down his daughter’s alleged killer as he sat just metres away in a Melbourne court.

Now her family will wait another three months for answers about the teenager’s death in a Doncaster park on Tuesday.

The man accused of fatally stabbing the 17-year-old in a random attack, Sean Christian Price, 31, briefly appeared in Melbourne Magistrates Court on Friday.

Man charged with Masa’s murder

Price, from Albion, handed himself into police on Thursday after allegedly committing a string of other crimes, including the rape of a woman at Sunshine that morning.

He is also charged with assaulting two people and stealing a BMW and mobile phone in two separate incidents on Thursday.

Price appeared relaxed behind protective glass in the dock as her father stared at him from the gallery. He stared back at Mr Vukotic as his case was being heard.

During the brief hearing on Friday, police prosecutors requested that Price’s next hearing be in June so investigators could have time to build their case.

DNA needed to be tested and CCTV footage from 12 different suburbs over a one-week period needed to be obtained, one said.

Magistrate Charlie Rozencwaj noted that extended family could be affected by a long wait between court appearances but understood the need to gather all the information required.

“If we could deal with the matter more quickly, it would be good,” he said.

Price was not required to say anything and was remanded in custody until June 26.


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