
Daredevil’s breathtaking 200m wire crossing

Tightrope Walker Nik Wallenda.

Tightrope Walker Nik Wallenda.

Nik Wallenda has successfully completed his two skyscraper tightrope walks in Chicago in a spectacle televised to an audience of millions around the world.

The 35-year-old daredevil first walked a high wire on Sunday night at a 19-degree incline from the Marina City west tower to the top of a building on the other side of a river.

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He then walked blindfolded between the two Marina City towers without using a net or harness.

It took just over six minutes to walk the 138 metre stretch from the Marina City west tower to the top of a building on the other side. The tightrope began 180 metres from the ground and ended at 204 metres— a 19-degree incline.

Wallenda’s previous feats include high-wire walks over the brink of Niagara Falls and across the Little Colorado River Gorge.

Wallenda is the great-grandson of Karl Wallenda, who fell to his death during a tightrope stunt in Puerto Rico at age 73.

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