
Grant Hackett dragged into Rinehart saga

Former Olympic swimmer Grant Hackett offered to help Gina Rinehart ‘in any way’ just months before the mining magnate called on him to convince her daughter, a former girlfriend of Hacketts’, to end their legal feud.

Rinehart and Hackett exchanged emails in November after seeing each other at a university ceremony, with Hackett writing that he admired Rinehart’s “resilience”, according to a report by The Daily Telegraph.

The billionaire emailed Hackett six months later to ask him to convince her daughter Bianca to withdraw her trustee nomination, “rather than be found a liar in the witness box”.

The email exchange, which Hackett passed on to Bianca, has been used as evidence at a hearing over who should have control over the family’s $5 billion trust.

The Supreme Court hearing will determine who controls the 23 per cent share of the family’s mining business, Hancock Prospecting.

Bianca Rinehart has nominated for the role of trustee, with the support of her brother John Hancock, while their younger sister Ginia Rinehart has sided with their mother, who wants the legal battle to end.

Bianca Rinehart and John Hancock allege that their mother engaged in misconduct by changing the date they could access their money without telling them.

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