Life after reality TV: Five contestants spill the beans on their post-show lives
From love matches to broken hearts, renovation dreams to heated kitchen battles, Australians can’t get enough of reality TV melodrama. But what’s life like after the cameras stop rolling for its biggest stars?
Bella Frizza, Married at First Sight
The Gold Coast-based radio presenter, 32, broke up with on-screen ‘husband’ Michael Hughes three days after filming finished, but she also lost friends.
“It was such an odd situation,” she says. “I was living with girlfriends, always hanging out, then I was filming for a month and it didn’t sit well with some of them. I found out who my real friends were.”
Working in media prepared her for the post-show hullabaloo. “You never know how you are going to be perceived, for example after that dinner party fight with Keller. I thought I’d be fine, but the way they edited it, I copped online abuse.”
Despite this Frizza, who met current partner – also called Michael – shortly after filming ended, said she’d do it again. “It was fun. I have so many friends on Tinder and I don’t trust it, so the only other way is to go out and it’s slim pickings there too.”
Locklan Gilbert, Survivor
Gilbert, 28, used his desert island challenge, where he infamously stripped nude, to help plan his Bali-based adventure company, Four Elements Adventure.
“The aftermath was insane, just walking down the street people would come up and say hello, asking for a photo. They were so kind and would say I got robbed.”
Watching it back with family and friends was intense. “I missed a lot because of all the screaming and yelling.”
Despite nixing rumours he’d be the next Bachelor – the girlfriend wouldn’t like that – Gilbert says he’d do Survivor again. “The biggest downside was losing the bloody car.”
Roula Kfoury, My Kitchen Rules
Kfoury, 34, says folks she meets in the street are shocked to discover she’s really friendly.
“Obviously you are going through a rollercoaster of emotions and you just want to win, but people in Australia didn’t get to see the real Roula,” Kfoury – who went on the show with her best friend Rachael, says.
“It makes me second guess everything now, like while I’m watching The Bachelor, I’m wondering, ‘hmmmm, is that really her?’”
MKR was a means to an end for the aspiring music TV presenter, who is battling Multiple Sclerosis. “I wanted to go on a reality TV show to better my career, and I wasn’t going to go on a dating one.”
Hoseah Partsch, The Voice
Losing out to Judah Kelly in last year’s final hasn’t held Kiwi singer-songwriter Partsch back, having toured internationally with Boy George, but he has his feet firmly planted on the ground.
“Everyone in this world is famous in my eyes,” he says. “I respect others and hope to get it in return.”
Working hard on his music, Partsch was glad to get back to school, and to family. Would he do it all again? “To be honest, I wouldn’t, but I learnt so much from the experience and would encourage those who love and are passionate about singing and music to give it try.”
Clint and Hannah Amos, The Block
Despite their property experience, Clint and Hannah Amos have recently have missed out on two properties at auction after relocating to Melbourne. They really missed the kids while filming the 13th series, where they came last and took home $95,000.
“It reinforced our love for each other and the kids,” Hannah, 31, says. “We love being role models for them.”
Clint, 33, adds that they’d compete differently if they had their time again. “But that is like a lot of things in life. The Block is honestly one of the hardest things we have ever encountered.”