Karl Stefanovic goes nude on live television

Karl Stefanovic has been true to his word and performed a nudie run on The Today Show.
On Thursday night, the Australian cricket team was pummelled in the shortest first ashes innings ever.
While watching the team go down, Stefanovic promised his 340,000 Twitter followers he would bare all in a nude run if captain Michael Clarke did not make 100 runs.
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“If clarkey doesn’t get a hundred I’m gear off on the show tomorrow. Woohoo. Positives for everyone,” Stefanovic posted.
Shortly afterward, he reconfirmed his pledge, announcing he had support from higher up.
“Nine boss David Gyngell just rang and said he’s rung @TurnbullMalcolm and we are good to go. I’m off for a run.”
Channel Nine boss Gyngell reportedly sent the host a text message with the simple instructions: “I expect nude.”
Sure enough, Stefanovic shed his suit on Friday morning at 8.30, running through The Today Show studio completely starkers.
The show censored the run by placing an enlarged cricket ball over his nether regions.
Perhaps the image, now burned into the brains of Today viewers across the country, will serve as motivation for the Australia team in the next innings.
HE DID IT! NUDIE RUN!!! @karlstefanovic #Today9 pic.twitter.com/STRAktCsIL
— The Today Show (@TheTodayShow) August 6, 2015
If clarkey doesn’t get a hundred I’m gear off on the show tomorrow. Woohoo. Positives for everyone. What — Karl Stefanovic (@karlstefanovic) August 6, 2015