MKR couple eliminated and abused after coming out

Reality television contestants Carly Saunders and Tresne Middleton from Channel Seven’s cooking competition show My Kitchen Rules (MKR) have been eliminated a fortnight after revealing that they were in a homosexual relationship.
The duo originally told producers of the show that they were close friends, but later decided to come out in New Idea magazine, even revealing that they had cemented their relationship with a commitment ceremony.
“We wanted to go on the show as ourselves and have people judge us on our cooking and not our sexual preference,” they told the magazine.
After the announcement, the women faced online backlash regarding their sexuality.
“We try not to get involved in that but it’s kind of hard when you’ve got Christian lobby groups,” they told Kylie and Jackie O. “It’s hard because we are Christians and our church actually accepts us for who we are. We’re trying to be really positive about it because we’re positive girls but it hasn’t been that easy.”
However, fans of the pair were quick to rush to their defence, even questioning why they didn’t make the announcement earlier.
@CarlyandTresne #gratitude family and you guys putting your relationship out there for others! You got my support!
— Hannah Bennett-Bakes (@HannahBennettBa) March 26, 2014
Clearly Carly and Tresne have had an influence on the other teams! LOVE them! #mkr #StayPositive
— Jason Asselin (@urbanwellness) March 31, 2014
Producers of the show were reportedly aware that the duo were more than friends but didn’t push them to reveal their relationship status
“It was Carly and Tresne’s decision not to disclose their relationship. Production respected their decision,” MKR executive producer Evan Wilkes told