Die Hard is one of the most rewatched movies of all time

How many times have you seen Die Hard?
Once? Twice? Surely not three times?
The 1988 action film (and many people’s Christmas must-watch) that stars Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman has been crowned one of the most rewatched movies of all time, along with The Wizard of Oz and Dirty Dancing.

‘You wanna hear somethin’ crazy’? Some people have seen Dirty Dancing 12 times. Photo: Twitter
The three top films have been watched an average of 12 times each, according to a study by British streaming service NOW TV.
The platform’s managing director, Marina Storti, says the number of Brits rewatching old movies is a sign of the uneasy times.
“It’s clear to see that as a nation, we find watching our favourite films and TV shows to be the ultimate comfort blanket in times of worry and anxiety,” Ms Storti said.
There’s nothing like an old classic to make us feel nostalgic and eased, so it’s not surprising we’ve been enjoying re-watching our favourites, even in the bathtub.”
We’re not sure about the bathtub, but this list of movies is certainly full of nostalgia and old classics.
Disturbingly, the study also found people love catching up on their favourite shows while on toilet.