Love Actually editor tweets awesome movie trivia

It’s the ultimate Christmas movie for many families around the world and it seems Love Actually only gets better with age.
Even one of the film’s original script editors, Emma Freud, had forgotten just how great it really was.
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Freud, who is married to the film’s director, Richard Curtis, attended a midnight screening of the 2003 film and live-tweeted some fascinating behind-the-scenes trivia.
The British writer hadn’t seen the film since its original release 12 years ago and had plenty of information to offer up to its loyal fan base.
“So weird watching it again… Every scene just a flood of filming memories,” Freud wrote on Twitter from inside the theatre.
“Am nervous we are going to be asked to leave for laughing in the serious bits.”
Freud then unleashed a torrent of factoids on her followers, ranging from the bizarre to the hilarious.
Bill nighy and his manager. My favorite love scene in the film. Best scene to film. They were just perfect. Every take. #LoveActually
— emma freud (@emmafreud) December 13, 2015
Here are the highlights taken directly from Freud’s tweets.
1. “January Jones wrote half of her lines. She was sooooo funny when we filmed that scene.”
2. “Originally Rowan [Atkinson]’s character over-wrapped the gift on purpose to stop Alan Rickman being able to buy the necklace. Because he was an angel.”
3. “Just in case you were worried, Martin Freeman had a little sock on his willy.”
4. “In the original edit Sam did amazing parcour [sic] all through the airport when he ran to find his girlfriend.”
5. “Richard only called Colin Firth’s character ‘Jamie’ so the kids could say ‘I hate Uncle Jamie’. His brother is called Jamie.”
6. “Portuguese restaurant owner won biggest moustache of the year award. We cast his moustache before we cast him.”
7. “Girl who does the Mariah Carey song was actually singing even though everyone thinks she is miming to Mariah.”
* A previous version of this article identified Emma Freud as a writer on the film. She is, in fact, a script editor. Apologies for the error.