Cancer fake Belle Gibson given one last chance

Cancer fake Belle Gibson has one last chance to defend the allegations against her after she failed to appear in court this morning.
News Corp Australia has reported that the Whole Pantry founder, who relied heavily on building her health and wellness empire on false claims that she had terminal brain cancer, had no legal representation and has not yet filed a defence to the Federal Court on charges brought by Victoria’s consumer watchdog.
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Ms Gibson is accused of falsely claiming she healed herself from terminal cancer naturally while promoting her Whole Pantry app and book.
Catherine Button, representing Consumer Affairs Victoria, said Ms Gibson’s liquidators had told the court they would not appear, but Ms Gibson herself had given no such indication.
“We didn’t know until today she wouldn’t be attending,” Ms Button said.
Court documents from earlier this year showed Ms Gibson made more than $500,000 off her products which had been fuelled by a fake story that she was diagnosed with cancer and cured herself with alternative remedies.
“I want to give Ms Gibson one further opportunity to file a notice of address for service and a defence,” Justice Mortimer said.
Justice Mortimer has given Ms Gibson until 4pm on July 10 to comply.
Consumer Affairs Victoria has until next Friday, June 17, to serve papers on Ms Gibson ordering her to file the legal documents required.