‘It’s real!’ Donald Trump defies hair cynics

Donald Trump has attempted to disprove those who dared to doubt the do, asking a campaign supporter on stage at an event on Thursday to tussle-test his hair.
His luscious locks have long been a subject of contention, spawning memes and even groups on social media dedicated to pressuring Trump to debunk the hairy myth.
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The Republican candidate took matters into his own hands following a report in the New York Times that said Hispanic radio host Ricardo Sánchez had nicknamed Trump “El hombre del peluquín” (the man of the toupee).
In South Carolina on Thursday night, Trump tried to disprove the doubters once and for all.
“I don’t wear a toupee. It’s my hair. I swear,” he said before inviting a woman in attendance to inspect his head.
Trump is currently leading by a landslide in the Republican polls, with nearly 30 per cent of the primary vote, author and neurosurgeon Ben Carson is behind him on about 12 per cent, while George W. Bush’s brother Jeb Bush is in third with about nine per cent.