Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift tweet brawl gets nasty
Two of the world’s biggest music celebrities have had a dramatic falling out in open cyberspace for everyone to see.
Nicki Minaj missed out on an MTV Video Music Award nomination for ‘Best Video’, but Taylor Swift didn’t.
Cue celebrity and internet meltdown.
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Pop culture website Vox reported “it made sense to assume” Minaj’s “Anaconda” video would be nominated.
Not according to the judges.
Minaj made her feelings known on Twitter but Swift, assuming her ill feelings were directed toward her, fired back.
@NICKIMINAJ I’ve done nothing but love & support you. It’s unlike you to pit women against each other. Maybe one of the men took your slot..
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) July 21, 2015
While Minaj named no names in the tweet, Swift (and hundreds of her fans) felt they knew who the tweet was directed at.
Swift’s video for her single “Bad Blood”, matches the “women with very slim bodies” jibe in Minaj’s initial tweet.
Soon after, Minaj responded and tried to explain the post. She said she thought black women do not get enough recognition for their influence on pop culture,.
I’m not always confident. Just tired. Black women influence pop culture so much but are rarely rewarded for it. — NICKI MINAJ (@NICKIMINAJ) July 21, 2015
Huh? U must not be reading my tweets. Didn’t say a word about u. I love u just as much. But u should speak on this. @taylorswift13
Swift then got on the front foot and extended an olive branch to Minaj, trying to repair any damage done in the misguided feud.
@NICKIMINAJ If I win, please come up with me!! You’re invited to any stage I’m ever on. — Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) July 21, 2015
However that didn’t really appease Minaj, who chose to comment on Swift’s stance on streaming service Spotify.
Minaj compared the media and public reaction to Swift’s streaming attacks to how people saw the launch of Jay-Z’s Tidal, of which Minaj was involved.
I’m so glad u guys get to see how this stuff works. Taylor took her music off spotify and was applauded. We launched Tidal & were dragged.
Despite the animosity between the pair of pop princesses, a couple of famous figures, obviously enjoying the back-and-forth, jumped in for a slice of the action.
Yo I want in on this twitter Beef!! VMAs is the new WWF!! @edsheeran Fuck You!
— Bruno Mars (@BrunoMars) July 22, 2015
Dear @taylorswift13 and @NICKIMINAJ, I love you both. How about we all get together and talk this thru? Coffee? Pancakes?? My treat. Ap
— Aaron Paul (@aaronpaul_8) July 22, 2015