Govt should stop ‘hiding’ on GST
Federal Labor has accused Treasurer Scott Morrison of misleading parliament by denying that modelling has been done for an increase to the GST.
The government used its numbers to defeat a motion by shadow treasurer Chris Bowen calling on Mr Morrison to explain a Fairfax Media report on Wednesday that said he was in possession of modelling requested by the Liberal Party on the impact of a GST increase.
Mr Morrison told parliament on Tuesday the only party to have modelled a GST increase was Labor.
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“That theory has been blown out of the water,” Mr Bowen told reporters after the government used its numbers to gag debate and defeat the motion.
He wasn’t surprised former treasurer Joe Hockey had requested the GST modelling.
“What is surprising is that Mr Morrison would deny this and claim otherwise in the parliament,” he said.
If Mr Morrison didn’t know of its existence he could walk into the parliament and say so, Mr Bowen added.
“He’s sitting in his office with his tin hat on and hiding on this issue.”