Minister confident power choice moves on track
The Tasmanian Government has indicated the state-owned power company Aurora Energy is on track to start competing with the private sector from next July.
The Government put its electricity retailer’s customer base up for sale under plans to reduce power bills.
But last month it announced a suitable buyer could not be found and withdrew it from the market.
Deputy Premier Bryan Green says Aurora is now being readied to start trading as a public company in an open market from next July.
“My job is to make sure that Aurora is there providing a retail facility for people to continue to buy energy off our retailer here.”
But he still does not know whether any private companies are interested in competing for a share of the Tasmanian market.
“That’s the big test, isn’t it? I mean, there is an opportunity with full retail competition. The law provides for it.”
Mr Green is still hoping Aurora can be sold.