Disturbing data shows the gross extent of our Netflix addiction

New data on national streaming habits has revealed Australians will stop at nothing to get their TV fix, even taking their binge-watching habits into public toilets and cutting back on groceries to cover subscription fees.
Data from a global Netflix survey, of 1900 Australian respondents, found a surprising number of us are watching Netflix content in a public toilet.
Eight per cent of Australians are consuming content in a shared restroom – 1 per cent higher than the global average of 7 per cent –suggesting some viewers are unwilling to hit pause on their favourite series despite hygiene and privacy concerns.
These addictive behaviours extend beyond the bathroom, with 34 per cent of Australians using Netflix on their daily commute, and 32 per cent tuning in while at a café or restaurant.
Of those using Netflix on public transport, 45 per cent reported catching a stranger watching their screen over their shoulder in an apparently shameless attempt to get their TV fix.
Our Netflix addiction is also affecting our budgets, according to a household expenditure report from Deloitte released this month, which found subscriptions to streaming services were now regarded as a necessity by many.
The report, commissioned by supermarket chain Aldi, found Australians facing budgetary pressure were more likely to cut back on car, clothing and holiday expenses, and even reduce spending on groceries, than sacrifice their streaming subscriptions.
Deloitte found 39 per cent of Australians had a subscription to some kind of streaming service, with millennials the group most likely to spend a greater proportion of their budget on these subscriptions.
Both surveys released on Tuesday come after an Australian Psychological Society survey of 1000 adults and 150 teens last week found more than half of both groups admitted to being “heavily reliant” on their phones.
Netflix research from October this year also identified a worrying habit known as ‘binge-racing’, which sees viewers attempt to consume an entire season of a show in a 24-hour period.
Australia ranked eighth in the world in regards to the prevalence of this habit, which has increased in popularity by 20 times since 2013.