
Harrison Ford in plane crash

Legendary Hollywood star Harrison Ford has been injured in a light plane crash in California.

The 72-year-old star of the Indiana Jones and Star Wars films reportedly crashed at a Los Angeles golf course in a vintage two-seat aeroplane on early Thursday afternoon (local time).

The actor was taken away in “a fair to moderate condition”, a spokesman for the fire department told local media.

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Local police commander Patrick Butler said the victim of the crash — whom he declined to name — was lucky to be alive.

“We are very thankful that the patient had moderate injuries,” Mr Butler said.

“[Single engine plane crashes] generally turn out quite dramatic but he left the scene conscious and breathing.”

The actor’s son Ben Ford tweeted that his father was ‘battered, but ok.’

 The actor has reportedly been taken to a local hospital in a stable condition. “It was mechanical failure of plane, that’s what caused the accident,” Los Angeles Police Department spokeswoman Nuria Vanegas said.

Penmar golf course employee Howard Tabe told NBC News the actor had blood “all over his face”. “Two very fine doctors were treating him, taking good care of him. I helped put a blanket under his hip,” Mr Tabe said.

Last June, Mr Ford broke his leg on the set of the new Star Wars Episode VII movie.

The actor, who has been aviator since the 1960s, is married to Callista Flockhart, 50, and they have a son, Liam. 

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