At The New Daily, we value the insight and interactions that our readers provide in the comments sections that follow many of our articles.
In order to ensure that our comment threads are a welcoming and civil place, we have a simple set of guidelines that establish the criteria by which we decide whether a comment will be published or not.
Please note that after you leave a comment on an article, it may not appear for up to 30 minutes while it awaits moderation. This doesn’t mean it’s been rejected or hidden. As you can appreciate, it takes time to manage all of the reader contributions we receive each day.
An increase in readers comments can also mean it will take longer to process all our readers’ contributions.
1. Conversations
Please be civil and friendly in your interactions with others. You are responsible for what you write so please ensure you write in a respectful tone and manner.
Please try to write about the topic and you may report any objectionable posts using the ‘flag’ option.
Unfortunately, we only have the ability to moderate conversations in English so other languages will be deleted.
2. Slurs or extreme and/or excessive foul language is not tolerated
We understand that certain topics can inspire passionate responses.
However, it’s important that a response doesn’t demean others through aggression or abuse. Anything you have to say can be said without causing unnecessary discomfort or insult.
3. Personal attacks on other commenters are not okay
Play the ball, not the person. Of course it’s okay to strongly disagree with another commenter, but we like to ensure that responses to even the most outlandish opinions are focused on the topic under discussion.
Please note We reserve the right to permanently block any user who violates these terms and conditions.
4. External links that are spam, of dubious origin or malicious will be removed
Even if you feel a certain site may be a reliable source of information, that may not necessarily make it a safe place to visit. Comments that contain links to websites that are known proponents of false information may also be removed. We retain the right to make the final judgment on this and no correspondence will be entered into.
5. Moderation process
You may notice that your comment doesn’t appear immediately on the site, this could be due to the fact that our moderation platform automatically refers comments which contain certain words for moderation. When a comment has been referred for moderation, it is suspended from the site until a moderator has approved it for publication. This process usually takes less than 24 hours.
It will also suspend any comments that contain inappropriate language, or in any other way contravenes our policy.
6. Removal of content
We reserve the right to remove any comments that are defamatory, abusive, harassing, threatening, libellous, pornographic or obscene, in addition any commenters who post disruptive comments that can derail the conversation. The New Daily may also remove any posts that could violate any relevant laws, including copyright, trademark, patent rights or anything else we deem might contravene Federal or State laws.
Please try to keep your comments to 200 words maximum. We also reserve the right to remove or edit your comments and republish them in our email or on our other sites.
8. Personal safety
Please respect each other’s privacy and remember please do not share personal information such as email address, phone numbers or full name etc. in your posts.
9. Conditions
Please remember by commenting you are agreeing to these commenting guidelines.
10. Have fun, and enjoy the insights of your fellow readers
No need to explain this one.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for understanding that we are trying to make the The New Daily community a friendly, productive and respectful place for everyone who chooses to be here.